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stupid, but I have to ask it - how to start it up once installed

Okay, by going to archives for this list I found the clues on how to run the
automated kde install on a fresh potato with no desktop manager set up yet.
Really impressed by how smoothly that ran compared to trying to use rpms on
Red Hat. (Suggestion: put a short mention of how to invoke the installation
in the debian.kde.net Webpages?) 

Yeah, so then I do a startx and I've got a kde terminal on my otherwise grey
screen rather than the default rxvt or whatever it was after getting XFree

Umm, what's the totally obvious thing to do (if I'd ever set up Debian
before) to have the system bring up the full kde screen? (Suggestion: put a
short mention of this on the Webpages too and you'll about have the newbie
angle covered - providing the newbie has gotten past similar bits of mystery
in the initial potato install.)

 \/\/ I-I I T 

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