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Re: Which KDE source

> Why are the KDE source-packages always different ?
> The official bz2 files (convert to gzip (bunzip *.bz2;gzip *)) are
> different than the file's from kde.tdyc.com and they are different from
> the Debian mirrors (in the pool directory)?! (but all have the same name
> *-final.orig.tar.gz)

the orig.tar.gz files sitting on kde.tdyc.com are based off the bz2 files
that were provided to me by KDE prior to the release...all I did was

tar -jxvf package.bz2
rename the directory name to how debian likes it
tar -czvf it back to the .orig.tar.gz

If they are different it's KDE's fault.

Now...they are not different they the debian mirrors...I used the exact
same sources to build the potato packages as I did the unstable packages.

> If you have a potato system with some upgraded packages (like xfree
> 4.0.2 from woody etc.) and like to recompile KDE yourself, you have to
> download KDE 2.1 3 times (it is nog a pure potato system, so the potato
> packages may not work, so also download the woody packages and the bzip2
> file's are the same all the other users (developers of other KDE
> software, like KwinTV, etc etc) use, so also download them).
> It also takes a lot of time for the maintainer to make 2 different
> .tar.gz packages when there is a official package (the official bz2
> files (bunzip => gzip for the Debian policy))
I'm really confused as to the problem.  The *ONLY* difference between all
of the potato 2.1 packages and all of the unstable 2.1 packages are that
unstable is post 2.1...  in a few weeks KDE will release 2.1.1...unstable
is currently contains all of the fixes that are going to be in 2.1.1.

Developers are going to use CVS if they are smart...if they don't they them
running 2.1 from the bz2 files from KDE is not going to cause problems with
a user running either potato or unstable KDE 2.1 packages.

> I can understand the patch file's are different for potato and woody
> (libc6 and other package differences) but that are only files from a few
> Kb's
> So which source have I to download when I want to compiler KDE on Debian
> 2.2 with Xfree 4.0.2 and some more Debian 2.3 packages like dpkg and
> more deb-development packages (libc6 is from potato) ?
> I also want to get a very 'official' KDE 2.1 so I can compile 99.99% of
> the KDE software without problems.
either...depends on of you want the *official* release or you want the
*official* release plus *official* updates and fixes.

Your best bet is to stick with the potato source.
> Now I have compiled kwintv  fine, but running kwintv is impossible 

> And compiling Kvirc 2.1.0 is not possible:
> c++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src   -I/usr/X11R6/include
> -I/usr/include/qt -I/usr/X11R6/include -D_REENTRANT -I../common
> -I../kvicore -I../kvilib -DGLOBAL_KVIRC_DIR=\"/usr/share/kvirc\" 
> -fno-exceptions -march=i686 -s -O3 -c kvi_dlgoptions.cpp
> kvi_dlgoptions.cpp: In method `void
> KviGeneralOptionsDialog::okClicked()':
> kvi_dlgoptions.cpp:3200: invalid use of undefined type `class KviFrame'
> kvi_app.h:56: forward declaration of `class KviFrame'


> (I think that the last one is because of the difference bewteen the
> source of KDE 2.1 from Debian 2.2 and 2.3)
> Alfred Munnikes
> p.s. I'm nog an the debian-kde list, so please reply also to this e-mail
> adres.

you are completely wrong here...the error above is a kvirc error.
KviFrame is not a part of KDE 2.1...it's part of kvirc.  The above error 
message tells me somethings hosed with their source.

Ivan E. Moore II
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