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updates and all

Ok...time for another update email. :)

KDE 2.0.1 status:

    kde-i18n-* packages are still being tweaked...next round (currently 
        building) will fix the kde-i18n-es problems as well as the problem
        with the ../common link that plagues all of the kde-i18n-* packages.

    Alpha packages for woody were finally successfully created by
       Christopher C. Chimelis the Alpha guru.  For those of you who don't
       know he's been struggling with the problems with getting apps built 
       against QT to work for quite some time now (and he doesn't even use
       KDE).  Well, he has unofficial .deb's up for woody (as hacks to
       egcs were made that still need to be merged into Debian's package).
       I'm mirroring those packages on kde.tdyc.com for those of you who
       want/need them.

    Alpha packages for potato are being built.  Christopher created a potato
       version of the egcs fix for me and I'm currently building QT.  So
       sometime in the next few days expect potato packages to show up on

    New kdm and it's problems...to my knowledge there are currently 2 problems
       users are experiencing with the new kdm package:

           1: UserView=false not working
           2: (un-noticed until the above was pointed out) kdm kcontrol module
              not properly creating kdmrc file.

       This was all caused by me not noticing that the upstream guy who has
       been working on kdm had changed some things...I basically replaced the
       kde 2.0.1 version of kdm with the kde 2.1 version.  The 2.1 version is
       a new port of xdm 4.0.1 and (even though not finished) is more functional
       and less buggy than the 2.0.1 version.  So..in this process I forgot
       to backport the kdm kcontrol module as well. :)  So..a new version of
       kdebase packages are being built which will take care of this.

    /usr/bin/kde2 disappearing from x-window-manager alternative list.

       Ok...I was approached the other day about the fact that I putting 
    /usr/bin/kde2 into the x-window-manager alternative was breaking policy.  
    After I finished telling the guy he was smoking crack I allowed him to
    explain...  /usr/bin/kde2 is a script which calls KDE's session manager
    and is thus a session manager and not a window manager.  The problem
    with this is that one could potentially load up 2 session managers and
    have them fight for control...which is how he found out about this in
    the first place. (example...a gnome-session user who wants to use kde
    as his wm would have problems)...  

    So...currently a request has gone in for a way to properly handle this and
    potentially have a x-session-manager alternative for things like this.
    I attempted to register /usr/bin/kwin as the x-window-manager but it
    doesn't seem to like to be used that way so it's being removed again. 
  i81n xim issues - A ad hoc fix for the xim problems has been created that
    will allow both xim and the lack of funky bugs that were reported due to
    the xim patches.  (basically disables xim in kdesktop) If this fails then
    I'll yank xim support for good until it's implemented upstream.

  arts has been removed from kdelibs3...well, I've created 2 new packages out
  of the kdelibs3 package...libarts and libarts-dev...I did this for the sole
  reason that this allows non-kde users the ability to use artsd or build apps
  that use arts without having to install kde.  I haven't fully tested this
  yet so I'm not sure how well this is going to work. :)  But it should work
  just the same for those who have both kdelibs3 installed...(i'm just curious
  about those who don't)...

  ohh...and I migrated mpeglib out of kdemultimedia.  I grabbed the upstream
tarball and am going with that instead as it works alot better and has 
ogg/vorbis functional in it. 

KDE 2.1 - 

   Well, work on KDE 2.1 is moving right along...I build new .debs for woody
1 to 2 times a day (depending on how bored I am with work) so when beta1 comes
out the packages should be in fairly good shape already.  

    pixie is back
    kpilot is alive and functional
    kivio is now a part of koffice 
and there are a few other new packages, more cleanup (which will make 
coexistance with kde1 easier) as well as other things you missed in kde 2.0.x
like kthememgr. (kpackage can use apt-get now...RedHat's lilo configuration
tool is now included, and much more...)

I still have no plans on making kde 2.1 potato packages until the beta. But I'll
keep woody packages going.

Ivan E. Moore II
GPG Fingerprint=F2FC 69FD 0DA0 4FB8 225E 27B6 7645 8141 90BC E0DD

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