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Re: Bug#1064824: node-d3: fails to export map and other functions

On Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 09:18:01PM +0000, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> index.js → dist/d3.js...
> (!) Conflicting re-exports
> "index.js" re-exports "map" from both "../../../usr/share/nodejs/d3-array/src/index.js" and "../../../usr/share/nodejs/d3-collection/src/index.js" (will be ignored).
> created dist/d3.js in 1.9s
> index.js → dist/d3.min.js...
> (!) Conflicting re-exports
> "index.js" re-exports "map" from both "../../../usr/share/nodejs/d3-array/src/index.js" and "../../../usr/share/nodejs/d3-collection/src/index.js" (will be ignored).
> created dist/d3.min.js in 4.2s
> -----

I have pushed a commit to salsa that hopefully fixes this - can you please try with the same and see if that
helps you somewhat?

> So it's specifically "map" that is problematic, and I just happen to
> have stumbled upon it: d3 v5 depends on d3-array version 1, but the
> version of node-d3-array in unstable is 3.2.0+~cs5.0.6-2, and this is
> causing the conflict.
> I don't know the best way to fix this.  node-d3-array version was
> upgraded from 1.2.4 to 3.x about two years ago, so d3 would have had
> this bug since then, but I'm the first one to stumble upon it :-/
> Perhaps we could package node-d3-array-1 (version 1.2.4) and have
> node-d3 build-depends on that?

I tried to embed it and realised it is creating an unholy mess. I got it working eventually
but it can open a can of worms sometime later. Maybe packaging the older version
would be the way to go if my fix above does not work.

I've added yadd to the thread for more qualified advice.


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