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Re: Request for sponsorship

On 30/9/23 10:33 PM, Bageeradhan K H wrote:

Requesting sponsorship for the package node-content-type.

Current version:1.0.4.
I have made sure the package is no E and W is lintian clean and build in clean chroot
in sbuild.
My salsa repo:https://salsa.debian.org/bageeradhan/node-content-type  <https://salsa.debian.org/bageeradhan/node-content-type>

Some comments,

1. Please squash related commits so we have a cleaner git history, see https://www.git-tower.com/learn/git/faq/git-squash

2. also check https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Nodejs/Npm2Deb#RFS_Checklist especially point 9.

3. You can use Team Upload instead of nmu for js packages. See https://wiki.debian.org/TeamUpload

Thank You,
Bageeradhan K H

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