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Re: Debian-jr live image: call for feedback

On Sun, 11/03/2024 02:40:41 AM, Tassia Camoes Araujo wrote:
> Hi everyone interested in shipping Debian for kids,
> First of all, many thanks to Stefan, for your effort in bringing
> Debian-jr back to life!

Thanks to my kids - they are the reason to get motivated to work
on it :)

> I've managed to build and test the live image following instructions on
> the salsa repo. Yay, bravo, it worked!!!

\o/ perfekt. Currently, there are two different "projects" to
build a Debian Junior Live image.

I started with a small project using live-build. This project
will be marked as deprecated soon.

The "new / real" way to build a Debian Live Image is different.

I have created a new package called junior-desktop which is part
of Debian Junior's Pure Blend. This package is the "Debian Junior

This package has been included into the live-tasks package. Which
is used to Build Debian's live images:

This is one important thing for me: Debian Junior is and will be
Debian. Everything should be included into a Debian Packages and
shall follow Debian's processes.

> Now, maybe Stefan would benefit of some help for this beautiful project
> to be released for real?
> I'm interested in joining the effort, and maybe there are other people
> following from a distance that would also be willing to test and give
> some feedback.

Welcome on board!

> By the way, is the live image available anywhere for download? 

Not yet, I hope soon.

> If we provide the .iso file, it will make the whole process
> more accessible for people that have some time to test it and
> contribute their ideas.

I agree. Few weeks back, I asked to get Debian Junior into
Debian's live image build. Roland helped to get the build done
and I was able to build and test the image.

Now, it would be nice to get Debian Junior into the weekly build.
See mails ;-)

I think this will be a very important milestone for the project,
because it will get more visibility.

When the weekly build is done, I think I need to work on Debian
Junior specific configuration files. Starting with configuration
for IceWM, Debian Junior's Window Manager.

> Happy hacking,
> Tassia.

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