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Debian Jr. - Report 2021-W50

Hello Debian Jr. Team,

small report of things which has been started this and last week. Also
things I would like to do in 2022.

 * What's new?
 * Project goal
 * Tasks
 * Homepage

# What's new?

## Wiki Page

I added some information on the wiki page


## Debian Jr. Team blog

Yesterday, I created a Debian Jr. Blog Page


I think it would be very helpful for Debian Jr. Users.

## Packages

junior-doc: I will adopt junior-doc (#848987)
1.16.3 will have the Debian Jr. Team as Maintainer and myself as
uploader. I still have some issues with the access rights on
salsa. I guess, I need to be added as maintainer.


debian-junior: I also prepared 1.30 for debian-junior.
Added myself as Uploader and did some small changes.

# Project goal

The goal of Debian Junior is to make Debian an OS that children
will enjoy using.

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Debian Junior: Debian for children from 1 to 99

 * To make Debian an OS that children of all ages will want to
   use, preferring it over the alternatives.

 * To care for those applications in Debian suitable for
   children, and ensure their quality, to the best of our

 * To make Debian a playground for children's enjoyment and

The main target is young children. By the time children are
teenaged, they should be comfortable with using Debian without
any special modifications. 

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Debian Jr. (http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr) is an internal
project to make Debian an OS that children of all ages will want
to use. Our initial focus will be on producing something for
children up to age 8. Once we have accomplished this, our next
target age range is 7 to 12. By the time children reach their
teens, they should be comfortable with using Debian without any
special modifications.

Debian Jr. provides a collection of packages for children and
their guides. Beyond merely providing entertainment, the packages
we have selected cover a broad range of areas, from those which
help the child visualize what is inside their operating system
(lavaps, xcruise) to music, art, writing and programming (xmms,
gimp, abiword and python) as well as some games and desktop toys.
We hope that child and guides alike will have fun, learn
together, and make creative use of this excellent free software.

Ultimately, we owe the free software authors and maintainers the
thanks for what they have given the world. Our work is to gather
their work together into the Debian distribution, making it
readily available to children and their guides. Once we select a
package, we care for its quality, listening to the users, sending
wishlists, bug reports, and fixes to Debian and upstream
maintainers. It is this constant dialog between users and
developers that ensures that the free software and our users
continue to be our priorities, as we have promised in our Social

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Quickguide in junior-doc

# Tasks

The tasks provide in Debian Jr. can be found here:

 * Task: junior-art
 * Task: junior-education
 * Task: junior-games-adventure
 * Task: junior-games-arcade
 * Task: junior-games-card
 * Task: junior-games-gl
 * Task: junior-games-net
 * Task: junior-games-puzzle
 * Task: junior-games-sim
 * Task: junior-games-text
 * Task: junior-internet
 * Task: junior-math
 * Task: junior-programming
 * Task: junior-sound
 * Task: junior-system
 * Task: junior-toys
 * Task: junior-typing
 * Task: junior-video
 * Task: junior-writing

Be honest, I'm sure if this definition of those tasks fits the
goal. I would like to think and discuss the definition of tasks.
What will be the use cases of Debian Jr.?

 * Which task will you install or do not install?
 * What about defining tasks based on the age?
 * What about safe use of internet and privacy on internet based
 * What should be the applications which will be used as default
   by an Debian installer?

I'm still looking for the definition of the DoudouLinux tasks:
I was not able to finde those.

# Homepage

The website https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/ is referenced
on some documents. I think it would be nice to get this website
back. I think the definition of the project goal written in the quickquide
would be a nice text to be on this website.


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