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Re: Debtags for defining the minimal age that a program can generally be used

On 09/11/2013 05:20 PM, Miriam Ruiz wrote:

> Maybe we should start setting up the lists of packages that might be
> relevant for kids, at the same time. It's not obvious what those packages
> might be, I mean, there's like a dozen of them which are very clear, but
> more in depth analysis is going to probably be needed for the rest. I'm not
> really sure about how to handle that, without relaying on some
> community-based tool such as debtags or wiki, and I obviously don't feel
> myself capable of doing it all alone.

yeah, this is a tricky sorting challenge!

I discovered last year that the kids in my life really really like both
sm and sl.  while sl is arguably designed and written by BOFH's for
BOFH's (or for their poor users), kids love it.  and while sm seems to
have been written by university students for university students, it's
also great fun for kids who are learning their letters in an
unstructured environment (or with an adult playing with them).

Given that neither upstream group appears to have had kids directly in
mind, it's hard to say how we would make use of the proposed "objective"
policy either in these cases :/

I like the idea of doing this a lot, but i am finding myself stumbling
over the details.


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