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Re: [Slightly OT] Philosophy (was Re: Replacement for Abiword: LyX? Openoffice?)

Am 2003-10-22 08:15:42, schrieb Angelo Marcos Rigo:

>You know what?  I find that interesting too.  And I hope that my children 
>enjoy the same things.  They'll have ample opportunity to, given that there 
>are at any given time between 50 and 100 books, CDs and videos out from the 
>library between the seven of us, and that we make it our regular habit to go 
>out to the library once a week.

Hmmm, - I have books too and my older daugther is reading it...
'Apache - La référence', 'PHP en action', 'HTML', 'JavaScript - La 
référence', 'XML in a Nutshell' 'Tcl/Tk - précis & concis' and 'Linux 
in a Nutshell' ALL FROM O'Reilly and many more...

(Sorry, I cant resist...)
But my older daughter is seeing, that we can't earn very much money with 
an OS, but witj our services... Now she is 17 years old and like to 
follow my way in OpenSource... 

I am sick because my Kidneyfail and need a new one, but my daughter 
like to earn the money for us !

>I remember when we didn't.  There were plenty of days where we *didn't* have
>the luxury of giving the kids computer turns.  I guess even now there are
>still those days.  Life just fills up with so many other things.




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