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Re: Remaining task packages ...

> >     junior-internet-tools
> > 	Depends: mozilla
> Hmmm, seems really hard to me to suggest a reasonable browser.  I
> would use mozilla for my own, but I suspect many people will suggest
> other browsers.

Mozilla can't run on my box. I have 32MB of ram, and it is very 
painful. I would have the browser use konqueror (I was forced to 
install almost all of KDE just for 3 or 4 programs..so I could try 
them out). I know you probably don't want to rely on non-free apps 
(like ns 4.x), so maybe even relying on emacs-w3 would be nice 
(everyone uses emacs, right?). In fact, why not just rely on gnu 
emacs (or xemacs). It has games (tetris, minesweeper, snakes), it can 
play music (the timidity elisp bindings), has a diary (I was scared 
too), and helps to teach kids how to develop. (the unknown_lamer 
wasn't be serious in the last sentence...although emacs does do all 
of those). I do see a problem with konqueror if you want to be distro 
independent (it needs kde), but it only needs kdebase, kdebase-crypto 
(if you want SSL), and some other basic libs, not all of KDE. 

On the programming task side, I think code crusader (and code medic 
if you want to teach debugging skills) would be good to rely on. But 
I think that got moved to non-free (because stupid newplanet software 
hired the code crusader author full time, and I think that jxlib (the 
framework that cc uses) is under a non-DFSG free license). For a free 
language, ruby is pretty nice (and the ruby book is also packaged), 
so that might be worth consideration.

#indrema @ irc.openprojects.net
AIM: MentalCKE ICQ: 41087914

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