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Re: Remaining task packages ...

On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 03:30:36PM -0300, Goedson Teixeira Paixao wrote:
> I don't know how "Desktop Environment Independent" you are trying to
> make these packages. If being "Desktop Environment Independent" is not
> a must, I would make junior-internet-tools include galeon (web browser
> based on mozilla), gtm (Transfer manager ala getright)  and evolution
> (mail, calendar, addressbook). What do you think about this? 

It seems gtm and evolution would be out due to gnome dependencies.  But
that's not permanent.  In the release following woody we hope to work on
task-junior-gnome and task-junior-kde.

As for galeon, I'd like to give this a try, although I notice that galeon
depends on a later mozilla that is not in Debian yet due to archive issues
(non-US vs. main) that are still being sorted out.  Presumably these
issues will be resolved by the time woody is released, but until then I
cannot include galeon.  I'll see if I can install the unofficial galeon
package for Debian and work with my own kids to evaluate it.  I'm also
considering skipstone which is in the same boat.

>  	Are you planning some repackaging of these software with different icons,
>  	etc. Or just a grouping of the existing packages?

Just a grouping of the existing packages for now.  We have some plans to
work on the menus to give children the option of seeing only the subset
of entries that are interesting/meaningful to them (or more accurately,
what we think will be interesting/meaningful to them, as each child is

There have been ideas as well to provide some sort of default
window-manager themes & icon sets, but I think we need to focus on
functionality first and add window-dressings later.

In this first version of Debian Jr., the goal is to have something that is
easily installable by the sys admin and usable for the children. 
Minimally, this includes:

1. task-junior & the junior-* meta packages it depends upon
2. a short HOWTO doc for installation & a short HOWTO doc for configuration
3. Debian Jr. menus

Anything else is icing on the cake.

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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