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Basic structure for menu & packaged list

Please have a look at:


I have updated this list, adding some categories.  This is the
foundational work for:

1. deciding the structure of the Debian Jr. menus (it should mirror
   the structure of the categories listed here)

2. deciding what goes where in our "task-" packages (note: it is
   likely some small groups that fit together will be collapsed into a
   single task package, i.e. not always one "task-" package per group)

Please proof for:

- reasonableness of categories from a child's point of view (keeping
  in mind that some categories are mostly for older children, like the
  "Tools" categories)

- completeness of categories

- packages that are filed under the wrong category, including packages
  that could go in more than one category and you're not sure I picked
  the "best fit" (e.g. some arcade games are 3D *and* networked ... my
  rule of thumb is if it *requires* networking to run, or *requires*
  3D to run, it goes in one or the other of these categories.
  thankfully, so far I haven't found any package that requires both :)

- other categories that should be there.  furnish names of packages
  (and one or two sentence mini-review: why it is suitable for kids if it
  is a new listing and if you have time for that)

- categories that shouldn't be there and why not

- categories that are OK but need a name change

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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