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Re: Overview, roadmap, priorities

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Ben Armstrong wrote:

> Well, she likes logging into the console on the 486s.  I don't think she
> judges programs based on their attractiveness.  That was the revealing
> thing.  It's not that the kids don't have X available to them, or that
> there's nothing interesting installed on X ... yet, I find that 99% of
> the time, she spends logged into a console session, either editing text
> files with a text editor, or using one of the three aforementioned
> programs.
OK, then let her play with the plain "wn".  Using the command-line
options sanely will give her more fun than dict.
May be she will like it so much that she starts programming a
ncurses-based tool to wordnet which might become my favourite way
of accessing the wordnet database ;-).
> Hm.  That might well suit someone out there.  As for me, I have no great
> like for Harry Potter.  But if you think it's worth pursuing, you could
> suggest it on the kidsgames list.
There is no doubt about different views on this book.  But in fact I
havn't met a child which doesn't like the books after reading and
seldom met a child who hasn't read it :).
But its OT here to discuss - just a quick idea of mine.
> Since this is not a kid-specific area of development, perhaps it should be
> raised on debian-devel then.  Perhaps we could attract some developers who
> have already thought through this problem and have ideas/time to
> contribute to our efforts?
Done.  See my latest posting to debian-devel about "Hierarchy ...".
I'd like to avoid CCing here, but in case someone doesn't read -devel
ask me...
> Which brings us back to the packaging question.  If Debian-Jr is going to
> focus first on packaging new things, how do we pick-and-choose amongst all
> of the possible things to package out there?
I think about packaging "SelfLinux" which is a quite clever introduction
to Linux in German (any translators) written by the people who also
did the tipptrainer.
> In the "programs to think with" area, I think I'd like to try my hand next
> at "glogo":
> http://laguna.fmedic.unam.mx/~daniel/glogo/
Sounds good.

Kind regards


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