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Better user interface for logo?

After a few busy months of not being able to do much on my home network
for the children, I found some time to begin to explore programming with
them.  Thus, I have started playing with ucblogo today with them.  We
defined a square and had fun making patterns with it.

However, I am disappointed to find that there is no 'readline' interface
for ucblogo.  This makes it difficult for the kids, who are used to being
able to up-arrow to re-type previously typed commands (as in bash).  Our
five-year-old son particularly finds it difficult to type out long command
names over and over again.  I'm wondering if there is an implementation of
logo out there that is better than ucblogo with respect to this?  I did a
search on freshmeat and was only able to find a couple of "logo-like"
applications.  These typically implement a rudimentary subset of logo
functionality (and which differ in command names and syntax as well),
whereas I would prefer to have a complete implementation of logo for the
kids to play with. 

Since ucblogo is so very close to what I want, I thought I'd look at the
source and see if I could just "drop in" a readline as a replacement for
whatever it's doing now.  Alas, at first grok, it seems to be not quite as
simple as that.  If anyone has suggestions as to how this could be
accomplished, please let me know.

Finally, if I can get as far as readline for ucblogo, I'd love to have
tab-completion as well.  But, one thing at a time. :)

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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