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Re: Removing freeplane 1.7.x from Debian?

On 4/1/24 8:49 AM, Felix Natter wrote:
tony mancill <tmancill@debian.org> writes:
In my opinion we should be remove the outdated freeplane package from

the only thing that speaks against this is the user comment in #1030150
[1]. Is it true that "as Debian (and many derivates) still ship with old
JDK"? [2]

It might be feasible to patch freeplane to use Maven for the Debian package build. This was suggested in the Gradle packaging status thread some time ago [0].

Osmosis 0.49 also required a more recent Gradle to build, and adding a patch to use Maven for the Debian package build was reasonably simple.

[0] https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2022/08/msg00010.html

Kind Regards,


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