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Using Gradle Build Scans™ with Debian Gradle 4.4.x

Although Build Scans™ are a proprietary add-on to Gradle, they are very useful in a FOSS CI environment. They make it very easy to find all the information you need to troubleshoot a failing build or find ways to optimize build scripts.

Unfortunately, the options for agreeing to the terms-of-service in a CI environment have been difficult to configure cleanly. (You also have to give them your email, which I don't mind doing but some may object.)

I opened an issue with Gradle about programmatically agreeing to the TOS and Stefan Wolf from Gradle provided an initialization script that solves the problem:


The script works with Gradle 4.4.x (FrankenGradle) through 8.x (at least.) The nice thing about this solution is that the script lives in a separate file and is only activated with specific command line options:

`--init-script build-scan-agree.gradle --scan`

I've tested it with bitcoinj and created two PRs that use it. They provide examples of how to use it:

GitHub Actions: https://github.com/bitcoinj/bitcoinj/pull/3289
GitLab CI: https://github.com/bitcoinj/bitcoinj/pull/3290



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