debian-java Jun 2023 by subject
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Bug#1032981: marked as done (ITP: jtreg7 -- Regression Test Harness for the OpenJDK platform)
Bug#1037455: ITP: narcissus -- limited Java reflection library that bypasses security restrictions
Bug#1038142: RFP: openjdk-nashorn -- Standalone ECMAScript Nashorn Engine
jtreg packages in unstable
openjdk-8 still needed for bootstrapping?
openjdk-8_8u382~b04-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Processing of openjdk-8_8u382~b04-1_source.changes
Re: RFS: jnr-ffi/2.2.13-1 [Team] -- ava library for loading native libraries without writing JNI code
The last update was on 18:00 GMT Fri Jun 30. There are 9 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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