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Re: Help with Bundletool update

Thanks a lot Hc.

I'm trying these right away!



On 7/21/22 17:38, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

I think updating android-platform-tools-base could be a big project. And aapt2 Java code isn't packaged AFAIK.  It looks like there are just two self-contained protobuf files needed from aapt2, so I would just include those in the package via a patch.

https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/tools/aapt2/Resources.proto https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/tools/aapt2/Configuration.proto

I think it would be worth spending up to a day trying to just patch in the files needed from aapt2.  If that fails, then we'll have to look into updating android-platform-tools-base.

One thing to look out for is that these aapt2 files should come from the same tag/release as what bundletool wants.  But maybe it doesn't matter so much, since it seems that these files don't change much with each release.  For example, see the blame view:

https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+blame/master/tools/aapt2/Configuration.proto https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+blame/master/tools/aapt2/Resources.proto


Nkwuda Sunday Cletus:
Thanks Hc!

I was able to figure out, through help from Markus , they were actually classes generated by the protobuf compiler.

So the error was resolved after I ran protoc command before jh_build.

Please I have another challenge of not being able to figure out where aapt and android-libaapt are installed in Debian. I've searched through /usr/share/java after installing them but can't find any matching jars. The only things that I found that came close are:

android-libaapt: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/android/libaapt.so
android-libaapt: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/android/libaapt.so.0

After adding these to CLASSPATH, I still get "error: package com.android.aapt.Resources does not exist"



On 7/20/22 17:07, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Those are mysterious dependencies.  I could only find references to them in https://cs.android.com. ; Maybe they are auto-generated by the bundletool build system? com.android.bundle.Config seems like that kind of thing, like BuildConfig in Android projects.


Nkwuda Sunday Cletus:
Hi there,

I 'm stuck on this error: https://www.easypastes.tk/pastes/GSzMEx , while trying to package bundletool (https://github.com/google/bundletool ) for Debian.

Please I need help on where to find these packages in Debian:








Inspecting bundletool on Vscode, I see all imports from com.android.bundle* are underlined red as not resolved, though `gradle build` workflow still works



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