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Re: Bug#975016: #975016 - OpenJDK 17 support state for Bullseye

Am Thu, Feb 03, 2022 at 03:59:00PM +0100 schrieb Thorsten Glaser:
> Hi Holger,
> > and filed against src:debian-security-support, as openjdk-17 seems to be
> > supported and src:debian-security-support's purpose is to documented what's
> no, 11 is supported, 17 is just for users to run third-party
> stuff on (IIUC).

In Bullseye 11 is the default Java and fully covered by security support.

17 can be installed (and it can also take over the typical alternatives),
but nothing pulls it in via dependencies. But if anyone needs to run an
application requiring 17, this is the JRE of choice (those are rare at
this point, but it will change over the life time of Bullseye).

And yes there have been security updates for 17 already, but it's a best effort
thing. If someone commits to rebuild the openjdk-17 uploads to unstable
for bullseye-security (along with proper testing), we can also omit a note
for src:debian-security-support.


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