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Re: Bootstrapping Kotlin from scratch

On Fri, 2 Apr 2021, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

> Instead of starting with a relatively recent release of Kotlin and a
> binary bootstrap compiler and standard library that are subsequently
> rebuilt, I tried to start further back in time with a release that
> doesn't depend on Kotlin and then build up a path toward the recent
> releases.

This is the way things “ought” to be done, but… meh :(

> To summarize:
> Step 1: build Kotlin 0.6.786 with a patched SDK 133
> Step 2: build Kotlin 0.6.1364
> Step 3: build Kotlin 0.6.2052
> Step 4: build Kotlin 0.6.2107 (good up to Kotlin 0.6.2338).
> Step 5: how to build Kotlin 0.6.2350 ???

Wow! Great job getting so far.

> If someone figures out the next step, or has any hint about the last
> error, please ping me :)

Is there a FOSS contact at Jetbrains we could ask?
They “ought to” know how to bootstrap/build it, but given
the “used before it is built” part of your story I doubt
it is easily possible and they know how…

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