Re: Sixth Android Tools Team Monthly Meeting
On Wed, 24 Mar 2021, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> openjdk-8 has already been removed from the Debian stable releases. It's
> still in unstable to help with the bootstrapping of Kotlin. Until the
It's not, it was removed because it still B-D'd on gcc 9.
I tried to organise updating OpenJDK 8 with Tiago on the
Ubuntu side and pochu on the (E)LTS side, but pochu did
not answer and Tiago is no longer in the capacity to
upgrade this. (I have no idea what Ubuntu will do, when
8u292 GA comes out, on 20th April.)
I have working builds of 8u282 for bullseye, buster,
stretch, jessie and wheezy (and precise and trusty).
I can probably (almost certainly) take care of updating
OpenJDK 8 for some time longer, even on company time,
but I have no idea how I would upload to (E)LTS.
I can certainly bring it back to unstable, built with
gcc 10, if there are no major issues involved in making
it build with GCC 10, if there is interest.
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