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Re: [covid-19] Gradle help for nextflow needed

Hi Andreas,

Apologies for newbie assumptions in the following.

I've had a quick look at the nextflow build (not in a debian context) and compared with your output.

Assuming the build attempt is happening in a non-networked environment, the gradle build is complaining about not being able to auto-download the io.codearte.nexus-staging plugin, which it will be trying to get from the Gradle Central Plugin Repository (where io.codearte.nexus-staging now resides).  Despite what it says about having searched there (this is the same error message I get when running a gradle build with no network).

I remember you saying the debian build process has some way of getting around maven dynamic dependencies without network.  This plugin can also be found in mvnrepository (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.codearte.nexus-staging/io.codearte.nexus-staging.gradle.plugin/0.21.2) so perhaps it can be obtained by that route?  A locally compiled version of the plugin could be picked up within the nextflow build.gradle by adding

repositories {
  maven {
    url 'file:///path/to/local/plugins'

to build.gradle.

I fear that given the highly dynamic dependencies of gradle projects and their plugins, this will lead to more such problems.  You can see a list of dependencies that gradle downloads by (in a git clone of nextflow) deleting ~/.gradle, git clean -dfx, gradle build --info.  The nextflow runtime dependencies shown is not a short list but you might recognise if most can be dealt with in a similar way.

Hopefully some of that makes sense?

Keep safe,


From: Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu>
Sent: 28 April 2020 10:05
To: Debian Java List <debian-java@lists.debian.org>
Cc: Debian Med Project List <debian-med@lists.debian.org>
Subject: [covid-19] Gradle help for nextflow needed

in our COVID-19 effort the Debian Med team intends to package some
workflows that are useful to detect viruses.  A common workflow tool is
nextflow which I in injected into Salsa[1].  The build system uses
gradle where I do not have any experience in.  The build log of my weak
attempt is running into:

Evaluating root project 'nextflow-prj' using build file '/build/nextflow-20.04.1-edge/build.gradle'.
Compiling build file '/build/nextflow-20.04.1-edge/build.gradle' using SubsetScriptTransformer.
Creating new cache for metadata-2.36/module-metadata, path /build/nextflow-20.04.1-edge/.gradle/caches/modules-2/metadata-2.36/module-metadata.bin, access org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheAccess@19705650

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file '/build/nextflow-20.04.1-edge/build.gradle' line: 18

* What went wrong:
Plugin [id: 'io.codearte.nexus-staging', version: '0.21.2'] was not found in any of the following sources:

- Gradle Core Plugins (plugin is not in 'org.gradle' namespace)
- Plugin Repositories (could not resolve plugin artifact 'io.codearte.nexus-staging:io.codearte.nexus-staging.gradle.plugin:0.21.2')
  Searched in the following repositories:
    Gradle Central Plugin Repository

* Try:
Run with --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Exception is:
org.gradle.api.plugins.UnknownPluginException: Plugin [id: 'io.codearte.nexus-staging', version: '0.21.2'] was not found in any of the following sources:

- Gradle Core Plugins (plugin is not in 'org.gradle' namespace)
- Plugin Repositories (could not resolve plugin artifact 'io.codearte.nexus-staging:io.codearte.nexus-staging.gradle.plugin:0.21.2')
  Searched in the following repositories:
    Gradle Central Plugin Repository
        at org.gradle.plugin.use.internal.DefaultPluginRequestApplicator.resolveToFoundResult(DefaultPluginRequestApplicator.java:262)
        at org.gradle.plugin.use.internal.DefaultPluginRequestApplicator.access$100(DefaultPluginRequestApplicator.java:63)
        at org.gradle.plugin.use.internal.DefaultPluginRequestApplicator$1.transform(DefaultPluginRequestApplicator.java:91)
        at org.gradle.plugin.use.internal.DefaultPluginRequestApplicator$1.transform(DefaultPluginRequestApplicator.java:88)
        at org.gradle.util.CollectionUtils.collect(CollectionUtils.java:203)
        at org.gradle.util.CollectionUtils.collect(CollectionUtils.java:198)

Any help for a kickstart would be really appreciated.

Kind regards


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/nextflow


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