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Re: Openjdk and Gradle Compatibility

hey Jim,

On Debian/buster, `apt-get install gradle` works for me, and its running
Java11.  bullseye has the same version, as far as I know.

gradle started using kotlin, so the blocker for updates is getting
kotlin into Debian.  Unfortunately the Kotlin devs made that much harder
than it should be.  It is getting close, but we could use help there.



John Kim:
> Hi Debian maintainers!
> I'm a casual user of the current testing version of the Debian distribution
> and I've run into a slight problem. I'm trying to use gradle as a build
> system but the version offered from the apt package manager doesn't work
> with openjdk version 11. I was on buster and switched to testing thinking
> that the gradle package found on there would be new enough that it would be
> compatible with openjdk 11, but it is unfortunately not. I then considered
> adding an alternative openjdk that could be compatible, but openjdk 11 is
> the lowest version offered if I'm not mistaken. Right now I don't want to
> download gradle and set it up from their website since it is recommended to
> rely on the package manager as much as possible. Therefore, this might seem
> like a weird request, because I really don't know anything about rolling
> out newer versions of packages on for package managers, but I was wondering
> something could be done to add a newer version of gradle? If it is not
> possible at this time I understand I'll just proceed with downloading it
> from online and I give my thanks anyways.
> Thanks,
> John

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