Re: Potential issue with JNA native library search path on some architectures
On 10/19/20 9:04 PM, Reinhard Pointner wrote:
> Dear libjna-java package maintainers,
> The libjna-java package seems to apply a few patches that make things work
> on some architectures but not others.
> 1.
> This patch will make JNA search for jnidispatch in
> /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/jni on all arm platforms, but this path is wrong
> on some arm platforms:
> *
> armhf -> /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/jni
> arm64 -> /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/jni)
> I would recommend adding all /usr/lib/*/jni folders to the search path if
> we can't know the if we can't know in advance where the *.so file is going
> to be.
No, I think the getMultiArchPath function should be fixed. Maybe track it down
where the copy comes from, and send a patch there as well? The cpu detection
might be problematic, because you run the 32bit code on 64bit kernels as well.
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