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Re: OpenJDK 14 (ea) entering testing

Lilian BENOIT <lilian.benoit@lbenoit.fr> 于2019年11月16日周六 上午5:56写道:
> Hello,
> In july, a message "OpenJDK 13 (ea) entering testing" has been sended on
> this mailing-list.
> (https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2019/07/msg00009.html)
> There was a question : Would anybody be interested in setting up a
> machine to check builds with interim OpenJDK versions?

@Matthias Klose do you mean that set up an build daemon,
and try to build all of the related packages with every major version
of openjdk?

If so, I think that I can help.

> Please give more information for that ? What would be idea ?
> Regards,
> Lilian.

YunQiang Su

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