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Re: OpenJDK 8u191 ready for upload but it needs jtreg fix

On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 01:57:56AM -0200, Tiago Daitx wrote:
> Hi,
> I have prepared an openjdk-8 update to 8u191, which will fix bugs
> 911925 [1] and 911847 [2].
> Before this upload is done it would be very good to have the fix for
> jtreg's bug 913853 [3] in place.

Uploaded.  Thank you for the patch.

> This is required/important because I have fixed openjdk-8's
> autopkgtests and they will run the exact same tests as the ones that
> run during the build. After that they execute jtdiff against both the
> saved results from build time and from the autopkgtest results. This
> allows the autopkgtest to catch possible regressions but all is this
> benefit is gone if the build time tests are run with jtreg 4.2-b13-1
> where most of the tests fail to execute.
> Note: take the new autopkgtests with a grain of salt. As of now there
> are still some flaky tests in the 3 testsuites - I hope to either fix
> or filter them out when I have more data on them.
> On a side note, I am not sure how autopkgtests work on the debian
> infrastructure, but the ones in Ubuntu required me to request a bigger
> machine [4]. If anyone knows whether I need to request a similar
> exception on Debian, please let me know.
> The openjdk-8 for experimental has been uploaded to mentors [5,6].

I will take a look at uploading this as well (assuming I can build it


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