Re: mh_make full log
On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 03:47:00PM +0200, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> Le 25/06/2018 à 15:40, Geert Stappers a écrit :
> >
> I see, that's a common error with maven-bundle-plugin, the version in
> the pom.xml file has to match the one in the libmaven-bundle-plugin-java
> package. Not sure why. Just modify pom.xml and restart mh_make. You can
> undo the modification afterward.
My result of putting that together ...
| $ dpkg -l libmaven-bundle-plugin-java
| Gevraagd=(U)onbekend/(I)nstalleren/ve(R)wijderen/(P)wissen/(H)ouden
| | Status=Niet/Inst/Conf/Uitgep/halF-geconf/Halfgeïnst/verWacht-trig/Trig-bezig
| |/ Fout?=(geen)/heRinst. nodig/ (Status,Fout: hoofdletter=ernstig)
| ||/ Naam Versie Architectuur Omschrijving
| +++-====================-===============-===============-=============================================
| ii libmaven-bundle-plug 3.5.0-1 all Maven plugin to handle artifact OSGi metadata
| $ dpkg -L libmaven-bundle-plugin-java | tail -n 3
| /usr/share/maven-repo/org/apache/felix/maven-bundle-plugin/3.5.0
| /usr/share/maven-repo/org/apache/felix/maven-bundle-plugin/3.5.0/maven-bundle-plugin-3.5.0.jar
| /usr/share/maven-repo/org/apache/felix/maven-bundle-plugin/3.5.0/maven-bundle-plugin-3.5.0.pom
| $
So package version seem 3.5.0
| $ find . -name pom.xml
| ./afterburner/pom.xml
| ./pom.xml
| ./jaxb/pom.xml
| ./guice/pom.xml
| ./paranamer/pom.xml
| ./osgi/pom.xml
| ./mrbean/pom.xml
So seven pom.xml files.
But where set "bundle version should be 3.5.0" ??
| $ grep --context=2 bundle $( find . -name pom.xml )
| ./afterburner/pom.xml- <artifactId>jackson-module-afterburner</artifactId>
| ./afterburner/pom.xml- <name>Jackson module: Afterburner</name>
| ./afterburner/pom.xml: <packaging>bundle</packaging>
| ./afterburner/pom.xml- <description>Jackson ( extension module
| ./afterburner/pom.xml-used to enhance performance using bytecode generation to replace use of Reflection for
| --
| ./jaxb/pom.xml- <artifactId>jackson-module-jaxb-annotations</artifactId>
| ./jaxb/pom.xml- <name>Jackson module: JAXB Annotations</name>
| ./jaxb/pom.xml: <packaging>bundle</packaging>
| ./jaxb/pom.xml-
| ./jaxb/pom.xml- <description>Support for using JAXB annotations as an alternative to "native" Jackson annotations, for configuring
| --
| ./guice/pom.xml- <artifactId>jackson-module-guice</artifactId>
| ./guice/pom.xml- <name>Jackson module: Guice</name>
| ./guice/pom.xml: <packaging>bundle</packaging>
| ./guice/pom.xml-
| ./guice/pom.xml- <description>Stuff to make integration with Guice a bit easier</description>
| --
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- <artifactId>jackson-module-paranamer</artifactId>
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- <name>Jackson module: Paranamer</name>
| ./paranamer/pom.xml: <packaging>bundle</packaging>
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- <description>AnnotationIntrospectors that use Paranamer (
| ./paranamer/pom.xml-to introspect names of constructor (and factory method) parameters.
| --
| ./paranamer/pom.xml-
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- <!--
| ./paranamer/pom.xml: | Configuration properties for the OSGi maven-bundle-plugin
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- -->
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- <osgi.export>${project.groupId}.paranamer.*</osgi.export>
| --
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- <!--
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- trick to avoid warnings from shade plugin because package
| ./paranamer/pom.xml: is already embedded by private-package instruction from bundle plugin
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- -->
| ./paranamer/pom.xml- <include>null:null</include>
| --
| ./osgi/pom.xml- </parent>
| ./osgi/pom.xml- <artifactId>jackson-module-osgi</artifactId>
| ./osgi/pom.xml: <packaging>bundle</packaging>
| ./osgi/pom.xml- <name>Jackson module: OSGi</name>
| ./osgi/pom.xml-
| --
| ./mrbean/pom.xml- <artifactId>jackson-module-mrbean</artifactId>
| ./mrbean/pom.xml- <name>Jackson module: Mr Bean</name>
| ./mrbean/pom.xml: <packaging>bundle</packaging>
| ./mrbean/pom.xml-
| ./mrbean/pom.xml- <description>Functionality for implementing interfaces and abstract types
Help is welcome
Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven
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