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Re: Import git repo from alioth to salsa

Le 01/02/2018 à 12:44, Hideki Yamane a écrit :

>  Can someone import git repos in alioth to salsa under java-team?
>  Use script with java-team ID (2588) like below with certain privilege 
>  would be fine.

Hi Hideki,

I started working on the migration to Salsa. This topic hasn't been
discussed with the team yet, but I personally would prefer migrating all
the repositories simultaneously, leaving only the packages still managed
by Subversion on Alioth for a migration later.

I imported the java-policy package to the java-team group on Salsa with
a script similar to yours, but that wasn't sufficient because the
post-receive hooks aren't preserved.

Ideally I'd like to come up with a migration script that :
1. imports the repository to Salsa
2. configures the hook notifying pkg-java-maintainers on pushes
3. configures the hook notifying the #debian-java channel on IRC
4. configures the hook adding the pending tag to the BTS
5. disables the alioth repository with a pre-receive hook
6. disables the unused features of Gitlab (pipelines, wiki, snippets)
7. updates the Vcs-* fields
8. configures the alioth rewriter

Mehdi Dogguy wrote some scripts performing most of these operations [1],
I'd like to assemble them into a unique script tailored for the Java team.

Emmanuel Bourg

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/mehdi/salsa-scripts

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