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Re: Cleaning upstream tarballs

Hi Christopher,

On 18.08.2016 22:41, Christopher Hoskin wrote:
> I'm considering how to remove .jar files and convenience copies of other
> libraries from upstream tar balls. It seems to me that there are several
> ways of approaching repacking:
> 1) Add Files-Excluded to debian/copyright
> 2) Create a debian/orig-tar.sh script and call it from debian/watch
> 3) Call jh_repack from debian/watch
> 4) Create a debian/gbp.conf and add filters to the import-orig section
> Possibly there are other options I haven't thought of.
> 4) is what is recommended at https://wiki.debian.org/Java/JavaGit,
> whilst https://wiki.debian.org/Java/JavaVcs suggests 2). 3) wouldn't
> cover convenience copies of libraries.
> 1) seems the best approach to me, since it is declarative rather than
> scripted, is independent of the choice of VCS, and also allows one to
> check the repacked tarball before importing it to pristine-tar. The
> files being excluded don't have anything to do with copyright though.
> Is there a team preference for a particular approach?

I guess nobody has written down any team preferences yet but we use
option 1 for the majority of new packages for the reasons you have
already mentioned. You can still find a lot of the debian/orig-tar.sh
scripts in older packages because that was consensus back then but in
the meantime debian/copyright has grown support for the Files-Excluded
paragraph and I find it quite useful and it is also much simpler in
combination with a get-orig-source target like:

      uscan --download-current-version --force-download --repack
--compression xz

Since we usually remove only non-free files or files without source
(jars), debian/copyright is a good place to document this. Sometimes we
also use this field for removing cruft but I think this is still
proportionate. Thus said you can choose one of the other approaches too
but option 1 is most likely the simplest one.



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