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src:java-allocation-instrumenter Still in "experimental"?

Dear Java Team,

I was packaging java-allocation-instrumenter and found that it is
already in Debian [1]. But why is it still only in "experimental"?

The latest version is 3.0.1 and the homepage is moved to GitHub.
Permission to update it and upload to "unstable"? Thank you.

Kai-Chung Yan

[1]: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/java-allocation-instrumenter

* 殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan
* 一生只向真理與妻子低頭
* Undergraduate student in National Taichung University of Education
* LinkedIn: <https://linkedin.com/in/seamlik>
* Blog: <http://seamlik.logdown.com>

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