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Re: Cleaning upstream tarballs

On 08/18/2016 10:41 PM, Christopher Hoskin wrote:

> Is there a team preference for a particular approach?

I think Files-Excluded and orig-tar.sh are the most used approaches for
the Java packages. We have probably more orig-tar.sh scripts than
Files-Excluded fields for historical reason since the File-Excluded
field is relatively recent.

I tend to use Files-Excluded when the upstream tarball is easy to get
(for example a GitHub project downloaded from a release tag). On the
other hand orig-tar.sh is convenient when there is no upstream tarball
(for example if upstream provides only a svn repository to be checked
out) or when files need to be replaced (for example for replacing
minified JavaScript files).

jh_repack should probably be deprecated, Files-Excluded is a better

Emmanuel Bourg

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