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Netbeans 8.0.2

On 03.06.2015 17:38, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> I plan to sponsor this upload.
> We discussed this update with Markus on IRC and the only issue I see is
> the mismatch between the new version of the platform (19) and the name
> of the package (18). This can only be addressed with a new package, but
> postponing the bnd transition isn't desirable. So I'll upload
> libnb-platform18-java with the netbeans platform 19, upload a new
> libnb-platform-java package with the files installed under and
> unversioned directory, and once it reaches unstable I'll switch visualvm
> to this new package and request the removal of libnb-platform18-java.

I agree with Emmanuel to upload libnb-platform18-java as is and then to
switch to libnb-platform-java afterwards. I don't see a compelling
reason to create separate netbeans-platform packages for every new
release of Netbeans. Our goal should be to reduce the maintenance
burden, not to increase it. However we also have to take into account
that Netbeans incorporates the same sources as libnb-platform-java. At
the moment I feel that we should keep an unversioned libnb-platform-java
package because it is simpler to update and less prone to FTBFS than
Netbeans. The current plan is that Netbeans depends on
libnb-platform-java and that it stops building extra platform packages.

I'm currently in the process of updating Netbeans to the latest upstream
release and I'm at the point now where everything can be successfully
built from source.


There is still a lot of work to do and some of the most important
modules cannot be activated at the moment which I presume is due to the
heavy source patching. Emmanuel asked me what kind of new dependencies
were required for Netbeans. I had to disable some modules because the
following dependencies have not been packaged yet.

1. Nashorn, a Javascript engine

   Netbeans HTML module depends on Nashorn for Javascript
   functionality. They use a patched version, so that it can be run
   under Java7 but it appears to be more of a Java8 feature.

2. xml.jaxb.api:

   This module requires two jar files: activation.jar and
   jsr173_1.0_api.jar. They are not part of Debian's jaxb packages and
   I haven't found them yet.

3. antlr

   It would be great to have a newer version of antlr, at least 3.4

So far


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