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Re: maven-debian-helper=2.0~exp2 rebuild

Hi Chris,

Thank you very much for the rebuild and the thorough analysis.

Le 25/11/2015 23:09, Chris West a écrit :

> Missing plugins could be one of two things:
>  1) I believe maven-debian-helper Requires maven2 Recommends
>       maven-install-plugin, which the builders may previously have
>       been installing, and this round has not been?  That is, the
>       packages were possibly broken anyway, and it just happens that
>       this build has caught them.
>  2) It is believed that maven3 requires some plugins present, even
>       if they're not used during the build, whereas maven 2 would not.

The recommended packages aren't installed by pbuilder, so I don't think
the different dependencies of maven2 and maven explain this behavior.

I took a look at the abego-treelayout package, it's a very simple
project with a single module that fails to build if the install plugin
isn't installed. Curiously the pom.xml doesn't reference the install
plugin at all. If I change the Maven packaging from bundle to jar it
builds fine. So there is a weird interaction with the bundle plugin.

I'll add a dependency on libmaven-install-plugin-java in
maven-debian-helper 2.0~exp3.

> maven2-settings-debian, which is probably a bug in these packages, e.g.
> https://sources.debian.net/src/spatial4j/0.3-1/debian/rules/#L10

Good catch. settings-debian.xml moved to /etc/maven/, I could add a
symlink but I prefer getting rid of /etc/maven2, so I'll update the
packages affected.

> multimodule-project-dir, which I don't get at all but causes later failures:
>     dh_testdir
>      mvn-debian package
>       -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory system property is not set.
>           Check $M2_HOME environment variable and mvn script match.

multiModuleProjectDirectory is a new property required by Maven 3.3.9,
I'll add it in 2.0~exp3.

Emmanuel Bourg

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