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Hi Java Team,

I have packaged the latest upstream of bcel and am preparing to upload
it to experimental to aid with transitioning its reverse dependencies.
The following is from the upstream changelog:

> Compatibility with 5.2
> ----------------------
> Binary compatible - No
> Source compatible - Yes, sort of;
>  - Maven coordinates update:
>     org.apache.bcel:bcel:5.2 -> org.apache.commons:commons-bcel6:6.0
>  - Rename package imports:
>     org.apache.bcel -> org.apache.commons.bcel6
>  - The org.apache.commons.bcel6.classfile.Visitor interface has been enhanced with
>    additional methods. If you implemented it directly instead of extending
>    the EmptyVisitor class you'll have to implement the new methods.
> Semantic compatible - Yes, except:
>  - BCEL handles new attributes such as code annotations that could only
>    be processed by implementing a custom AttributeReader in the previous
>    versions. Code relying on this behavior will have to be adjusted since
>    the AttributeReader will no longer be called in these cases.

What I wanted to ask the list is whether this new version should include
a renamed binary package libcommons-bcel-java instead of libbcel-java,
primarily because the jar name has changed from bcel.jar to
commons-bcel6.jar.  I assume it's worthwhile to stick with the upstream
coordinates and conventions unless there is some pressing need to
deviate.  (At the moment, I'm considering uploading the new version to
experimental with the same binary package name, but with the new maven
coordinates and new JAR name.)


Thank you,

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