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Retiring as Debian Java Maintainer


I am no longer actively maintaining any Java packages.  This mail is
simply announcing this fact.
  I am very happy to have been a part of the team, which welcomed me
with open arms 4½ years ago, when Debian was new to me.  It is a thing I
believe you can all be proud of and I am certainly happy to see that
many of you are keeping the "tradition" alive[1].  :)

While I am retiring from the Java team (and will soon unsubscribe from
the related lists), I will still be around on other Debian channels.
Should you need my help with a particular package, I have been involved
with, you are more than welcome to contact me about[2].

With my retirement, I will also be letting go of my (co-)maintainership of:

 * asm3
 * avalon-framework
 * eclipse
 * eclipse-*
 * icu4j / icu4j-4.4
 * jarjar
 * java-common
 * javassist
 * javatools
   - Needs new maintainer!
 * jetty
 * jflex
 * jftp
 * jgit
 * jsch
 * junitperf
 * libcommons-el-java
 * libcommons-jxpath-java
 * libcommons-logging-java
 * libjboss-common-java
 * libmx4j-java
 * liboro-java
 * libreadline-java
 * libws-commons-util-java
 * libxml-security-java
 * swt-gtk
 * swt4-gtk
 * jabsorb/non-free

I will (in a not so distant future) file bugs requesting my removal from
"Uploaders" from all of the packages above OR where there is no
maintainer left, orphan it.

The following packages will probably need new maintainers (or maybe just

 * javatools
   - Yes, I mentioned it early.  But this one is fairly important.
 * jetty
   - There is a jetty8 now, if am not mistaking.  So this probably just
     needs an RM eventually.
 * libreadline-java

Once again, thanks for the good times and for making the Java team a
warm and welcoming place.  :)


[1] On a personal note: Emmanuel Bourg keep up the good work - keeping
up with both email and IRC in a friendly and welcoming manner. :)

[2] Though, no guarantees on my memory on said package... :)

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