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Re: RFS: jackson-datatype-joda

Le 05/11/2014 01:30, Potter, Tim (Cloud Services) a écrit :

> If someone could take a look I would really appreciate it.

Hi Tim,

Thank you very much for the packages. I reviewed jackson-datatype-joda
and it looks very good. Here are my comments:

- do not hesitate to create your repositories for Java packages under
the pkg-java group on alioth. You'll find a setup-repository script on
alioth in the /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java directory that prepares
the repository and wires the receive hooks properly (with mail and IRC
notifications). Also if you set the maintainer in debian/control to the
'Debian Java Maintainers' this will allow us to co-maintain the package.

- debian/control: ${shlibs:Depends} is not necessary for lib*-java packages

- debian/control: in general ${maven:OptionalDepends} is best affected
to the Suggests field than Recommends. jackson-datatype-joda has no
optional dependency so there is no impact here.

- adding a short description to the patches is usually a good idea (see
http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/). It consists in a 'Description' field
explaining the purpose of the patch and why it was needed, an 'Author'
field with your name and a 'Forwarded' field to track if the patch has
been contributed back upstream.

- debian/maven.rules: The artifacts are installed with the 2.x generic
version. Usually it's preferable to use the 'debian' version unless
there is a conflict with another package. Otherwise when the version is
bumped to 3.0, you either stay with 2.x which is odd, or update to 3.x
but have to modify the rules in the reverse dependencies.

- debian/rules doesn't export JAVA_HOME, this is important to ensure the
default-jdk is used and not the current Java alternative as this may
produce code incompatible with the default Java.

- I got a test failure:

Failed tests:
expected:<"2001-05-2[5]"> but was:<"2001-05-2[4]">

expected:<...Midnight","2001-05-2[5]"]> but

This is an issue related to the timezone, the test fails on a system
with Europe/Paris, but succeeds with GMT.

Emmanuel Bourg

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