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Re: Hello friendly Java people

On 22/07/14 2:34 PM, "tony mancill" <tmancill@debian.org> wrote:

>On 07/21/2014 04:15 PM, Potter, Tim (Cloud Services) wrote:
>> Hi everyone.  I¹d just like to introduce myself and say hi.  I¹m a
>>Linux systems programmer interested in helping out with Java packaging,
>>in particular Hilko¹s work on Elasticsearch and its various
>>dependencies.  I also have an interested in software build systems and
>>automation, which will no doubt be engaged by working on Debian
>> I¹m not a big Java programmer and really only know enough to be
>>dangerous (-: but I have filed a few Debian bugs and created some Debian
>>packaging for some internal software for HP.
>Hi Tim,
>The team welcomes new contributors.  If you don't have one already,
>create an Alioth account [1] and then request to join the pkg-java group

Thanks Tony.  I've created an account and made a request to join the group.

>There are plenty of bug to look at in team-maintained packages [4].  You
>can use the list for request for sponsor (RFS) requests.

OK.  The carrotsearch-hpcc, compress-lzf, hyperic-sigar and spatial4j
source packages look ready to go and are in the NEW queue.  There's a
build problem with carrotsearch-randomizedtesting and this is a build
dependency for lucene4 and so a blocker for elasticsearch.  Is it just a
matter of waiting until the Ftp Team gets around to approving or rejecting
the package?


>[1] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/JavaPackaging
>[2] https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-java/
>[3] https://alioth.debian.org/project/request.php?group_id=30085

Tim Potter
Cloud Systems Engineer
HP Cloud Services

M +61 419 749 832
Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd

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