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Re: Question on java library packaging

>You are right, dbus-java-bin should depend on "default-jre |
java6-runtime | java7-runtime" instead of "openjdk-7-jre | openjdk-6-jre".

Good to know. :)

>This is an error in the policy, thank you for spotting it.

Out of curiosity, why does the policy not require that libraries depend on Java?  The only reason I can think of is if programs create/embed their own JVM, so one on the system wouldn't be needed(I know of no programs that do this).

-Robert Middleton

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:36 PM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg@apache.org> wrote:
Le 14/07/2014 16:42, Robert Middleton a écrit :

> That implies to me that the dbus-java-bin depending on openjdk-7-jre is
> incorrect, and it should actually depend on default-jre. Is it
> intentional that it depends on openjdk?

You are right, dbus-java-bin should depend on "default-jre |
java6-runtime | java7-runtime" instead of "openjdk-7-jre | openjdk-6-jre".

> Similar question too: the previously quoted snippet from the Debian
> policy manual indicates that any Java library should depend on
> default-jre, whereas out of the half-dozen libraries that I clicked on
> randomly(https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=commons&searchon=names&suite=testing&section=all),
> only one of them had a dependency on default-jre, so I'm wondering if
> that's intentional?

This is an error in the policy, thank you for spotting it. Java programs
must depend on the required runtime, but not the libraries (and Lintian
will complain about it [1]).

Emmanuel Bourg

[1] http://lintian.debian.org/tags/needless-dependency-on-jre.html

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