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RFS: jakarta-ecs/1.4.2-3

Hi all,

I stumbled on the jakarta-ecs package which was open for adoption, I
couldn't resist bring it under the pkg-java umbrella. It was in need of
a serious refresh, here is the changelog:

  * Package adopted by the Java Team (Closes: #640778)
  * Install the Maven artifacts in /usr/share/maven-repo
  * Enabled the debug symbols
  * Removed the files related to log4j in the debian directory
  * Changed the watch file to check ecs instead of log4j
  * Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt)
  * debian/control:
    - Removed the runtime dependency on the JRE
    - Fixed a typo in the package description (Closes: #658268)
    - Standards-Version updated to 3.9.5
    - Added the missing Vcs-* fields
  * debian/rules: Removed simple-patchsys.mk
  * Switch to debhelper level 9


The source package wasn't in a VCS yet, so I created a Git repository on


Thank you,

Emmanuel Bourg

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