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Re: RFS: testng/6.8.7-1 [ITA]

Hi Eugene,

Thank you very much for revamping the testng package. That was the only
package I never managed to build.

I haven't tested the package, but after looking at the source on alioth
I have a few suggestions:

* You should be able to avoid patching the pom by adding rules in

* It would be nice to import the upstream source in Git with:

    git-import-orig --verbose --merge --pristine-tar

* The changelog should probably mention that you rewrote the packaging
using maven-debian-helper and that you dropped all the previous patches.

* You could use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields in debian/control to
avoid a lintian warning.

* I suggest compressing the source tarball with xz, mh_make will do that
by default in the next release. The syntax for orig-tar.sh is:

    XZ_OPT=--best tar cJf $TAR --exclude '*.jar' --exclude '*.class' $DIR

Emmanuel Bourg

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