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JAVA_HOME in pbuilder

I have an issue building a package with pbuilder.

Package builds fine with dpkg-buildpackage, but when ran with pbuilder,
it seems JAVA_HOME is lost.

The ant build file makes use of JAVA_HOME env property, and fails
because it does not find something in JAVA_HOME.

I make use of java helper:

    dh $@ --with javahelper

If I set JAVA_HOME myself in debian/rules (JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f
/usr/bin/javac | sed "s:/bin/javac::")), it works with:
    debian/rules binary
but not with dpkg-buildpackage, JAVA_HOME is seen as empty (which is
weird as command looks at file location).

Any idea of what is going on in pbuilder env?



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