Hi all, I'm looking for a sponsor to upload libmetadata-extractor-java. This upload is for experimental because the new version is going to break the reverse dependencies (josm and gpsprune). This upload is part of the ongoing effort to package Apache Tika and upgrade JMeter to the latest version. Here is the changelog: * New upstream release - Removed 20nosun.dpatch (applied upstream) - Added a patch to set the encoding of the source files * Install the Maven pom and the jar into /usr/share/maven-repo * Linked the javadoc with the default-jdk-doc * Enabled the debugging info in the compiled classes * Removed 10buildxml.dpatch to enable the unit tests * debian/rules: - Added a get-orig-source target to build the source tarball - Added a get-orig-pom target to fetch the Maven pom * debian/control: - Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no changes) - Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields - libmetadata-extractor-java-doc suggests libmetadata-extractor-java but no longer recommends it * debian/copyright: Updated to the Copyright Format 1.0 http://mentors.debian.net/package/libmetadata-extractor-java Thank you, Emmanuel Bourg
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