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RFS: httpcomponents-client 4.2.5-2

Dear java packagers,

I am looking for a sponsor for package "httpcomponents-client".

 * Package name    : httpcomponents-client
   Version         : 4.2.5-2
   Upstream Author : Apache Software Foundation
 * URL             : http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client/index.html
 * License         : Apache-2.0
   Section         : java

It builds those binary packages:

  libhttpclient-java - HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation
  libhttpmime-java - HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation - mime4j extension

Package source can be accessed at pkg-java git repository:


This update fixes OSGi metadata generation that caused malfunction of
eclipse-mylyn-builds-hudson package.

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package into sid for me.



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