Re: upload of java-common 0.49
On 2013-05-22 06:52, tony mancill wrote:
> Dear Debian Java List,
> In an attempt to advance the use of openjdk7 for jessie, I have uploaded
> java-common 0.49 (essentially the same 0.48 package that was in
> experimental, but now targeting unstable) to the DELAYED/3 queue.
> The delay is because I didn't coordinate with Matthias, Niels or Torsten
> beforehand (and IRC is quiet this time of day - Sometimes I think I live
> in the wrong timezone...)
> Please email me if you have any concerns and I'll dcut the upload.
> Thank you,
> tony
Sadly, I haven't been very active with this, since the freeze started.
That said, I would personally prefer that we did a second "rebuild with
Java7 as default"-test before we do the actual switch. Just to be sure
that all bugs are known and filed. Secondly, are all pkg-java packages
fixed already now?
Also, it is possible that the Release Team might want to be in on this
kind of transition (haven't checked, but I doubt it would hurt to ask them).
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