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Re: Frustration with trying to build Debian packages from Maven-based sources

Le 17/03/2013 16:47, Hilko Bengen a écrit :

> I don't mean to offend anyone here nor belittle hard work that has gone
> into the mentioned tools, but can't we do better than this?

What about leveraging the Maven infrastructure and downloading the
dependencies directly from the central Maven repository (or a Debian
operated mirror) instead of repackaging every single jar into it's own
deb file (as long as it's open source of course) ?

Let say I'm building the package for NetClipse IDEA, the next big Java
IDE, and it depends on Commons Collections 10. I would declare a
dependency in the control file that might look like this:

Depends: maven:org.apache.commons:commons-collections (>=10)

And the dependency would be downloaded and installed by apt.

Just a wild dream...

Emmanuel Bourg

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