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Re: java6-runtime on Ubuntu?

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Olivier Sallou <olivier.sallou@irisa.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a short question regarding jdk7
> I have a package that depends on default-jdk.
> An Ubuntu user asks me to depend (also) on jdk7.
> Though this can easilly be done by adding a new OR condition to the
> dependencies (default-jdk|openjdk7-jdk),
> I'd like to know what is the current policy regarding jdk7 with packages
> (could be a mess adding versions again and again on packages...)

I don't think there's a policy against that. Many packages have had
Depends: default-jre | sun-java6 | openjdk-5-jdk,...
or similar lines

> Regarding java6-runtime, I do not find it on Ubuntu. What happens to
> packages using it when "going to" Ubuntu ?

I believe you're looking for this:

"As of August 24th 2011, we no longer have permission to redistribute new
Java packages as Oracle has retired the “Operating System Distributor
License for Java” "

"If you are currently using the Oracle Java packages from the partner
archive, you have two options:

1- Install the OpenJDK packages that are provided in the main Ubuntu
   archive. (icedtea6-plugin for the browser plugin, openjdk-6-jdk or
   openjdk-6-jre for the virtual machine)
2- Manually install Oracle's Java software from their web site"

and see:

sun-java is removed from Debian too for the same reason:


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