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FYI: Java cli option parsing in Debian


I want to introduce a cli option parsing library for maven-debian-helper. 
There a tons of such java libraries out there:


Just FYI, I had a look, which of these we have in Debian:

- libcommons-cli-java
- libjargs-java
- libjcommander-java
- libjoptsimple-java
- libgetopt-java
- libargs4j-java
- liboptions-java

Sh...ugar.. I thought looking into what is packaged would make the choice 

rule outs:

- libcommons-cli-java - I don't like Apache Commons stuff
- libargs4j-java - Is modelled after javac's broken options, not GNU style
- liboptions-java - AFAIK only used by one project
- libjargs-java - very low activity upstream, last release 2005?
- libgetopt-java - ancient (2000) Java style, only translation updates since 


- libjcommander-java - active, documented, Git, Unit Tests
- libjoptsimple-java - active, Git, Unit Tests, Code Quality Tools, 
POSIX/getopt style, documented

Jcommander's documentation looks more inviting. So I'll start with that one.


Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

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