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maven and javadoc packaging

Hello again,

I am still quarreling against my first java and maven package[1].  Now I
have two issues to report with the javadoc .jar file.

*  In the debuild process the javadoc:jar target is CALLED TWICE:

   -  First in the build target (after the package)
   -  Second in the fakeroot debian/rules binary target

   In both cases the javadoc API files (html) are placed under
   target/apidocs and a .jar file is placed in the target directory
   (together with the jar class file).


*  The javadoc files are not included in the binary package.

   Instead the generated esper-4.0.0-javadoc.jar is copied to


These are the operations that I have done related with packaging:

*  Define a libesper-java-doc package in control

*  In debian/rules, I have added the lines:

DEB_MAVEN_DOC_TARGET := javadoc:jar
DEB_DOC_PACKAGE := libesper-java-doc

*  I have the following tag in the pom.xml (unchanged from upstream)


    inside <build></plugins>

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.  The current status of my
packaging is available at:

[1] http://mtelleria.com/esper_maven_debian/

I am in #debian-java IRC now (nick snapy).



PS:  Once I clarify all my question I will happily volunteer to
document my work in the wiki.


 Miguel TELLERIA DE ESTEBAN               http://www.mtelleria.com
 Email: miguel at mtelleria.com           Tel GSM:  +34 650 801098
                                          Tel Fix:  +34 942 280174

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