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Hello list


I'm new to the list so I'm writing this little introduction about
myself. I'm a DD since quite a while but was never involved in any java
packaging effort, and actually, my DD skills are a bit rotten by a
period of reduced activity. So I won't get offensed if you treat me like
a beginner, that's not that far from what I am :-/

I am also the upstream of the Java Learning Machine, which is a neat
Learning Management System to teach programming to absolute beginners.
The project homepage is here: http://www.loria.fr/~quinson/Teaching/JLM/

I decided to package this into debian because the project is quite
mature (we're using it in real teaching settings since several years
now) and I hope that it would help others, too.

There is several missing dependencies that I plan to package too:
* irclib, a Java IRC implementation (to allow the students to chat and
discuss their difficulties together) ITP filled #622326

* jsyntaxpane, an easy to use JEditorKit
http://code.google.com/p/jsyntaxpane ITP to be filled today.

* twitter4j -- A Java library for the Twitter API, ITP already existing
#613297 (to post students successes on twitter)

nthykier added me to the alioth project, and I'll now integrate my work
into the git section. I only need to remember how git-buildpackage

Another problem is that as often with Java packages, some of the
projects listed above do not have proper upstream source packages. 

For irclib, I had to jh_repack the jar which contained both the classes
and the source, which is fine I think. 

For jsyntaxpane, there is absolutely no source package to download so I
had to build a tgz from a svn checkout. I'm less confident in this. Does
anyone have an advice on this?

Ok, that's all I have in my head right now, but I fear I'll ask more
questions on this list or on #d-java (where I'm emptty) in the near

Thanks for the fish,

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