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Resigning as maintainer of eclipse


As the subject says.  Lately I have not had the motivation to deal with
eclipse and as a result it is currently bit-rotting in unstable.
Furthermore, my daily Debian work has more or less drifted away from
Java work.

The particular issue (#649912) supposedly have a partial patch[1],
though unfortunately eclipse FTBFS on amd64 for me because some files
have "moved" and I have no clue as to why.  Due to the above, I realized
that perhaps it was time to move on and make room for some new blood.

There are some people listed as uploaders of eclipse; some of them may
still be around and willing to work on eclipse.  That being said I
strongly suspect we need new people in addition to the current ones.

If you are interested in maintaining in eclipse be advised that:
 * eclipse takes a lot of effort, commitment and time.
   - I have heard plenty of people say they would like to help with
     eclipse.  Though few actually stay around for longer than a week.
   - In my experience, your co-maintainers can/will be busy for extended
     periods of time or simply need some "away time" from eclipse.
     - Most likely you will need a break from eclipse every now and then
       as well.
     - Some times you have to deal with a major upstream release mostly
       on your own.
 * you want some package experience before accepting this package.
   - it is not simple, kind nor forgiving.
   - you can compenstate with stubbornness and patience in short term.
     - But it will wear you down in long term.
 * it is very unlikely packaging the eclipse plugins
   - we got reasonably good tool support for those, not for eclipse.
 * eclipse has its own build system and an implied self circular
   - Every major version eclipse needs to be bootstrapped by a
     pre-compiled eclipse.
     - upstream unaffected due to incremental development style
     - manually bootstrapping is technically possible, but easily
       becomes time consuming.
   - It is "merely" a nuisance and in the past Fedora did it for us.
     - Though it did not work with 3.7, as the bootstrapping did not use
       our "common" links (instead it recorded the final target which is
       distro specific).
 * every major upstream versions have pre-compiled binaries or
   sourceless code.
   - This has improved a lot since I picked up the package in 2009.
   - This is a great source of frustration for me when packaging
     eclipse 3.6 and 3.7
 * eclipse consists of a myriad of "smaller" upstreams
   - LinuxTools handles the build tools we use and usually happy to
     carry patches that are not accepted "further upstream".
   - Not all upstreams agree to the Debian approach.
     - Some bundles are the "official binaries from X".
     - Some accept our patches as "fall-back" (e.g. "recompile binary
       if it is not present").
 * you cannot forward patches to eclipse from someone.
   - Author of the patch must forward it (or appear on their BTS and
     give his/her consent)
 * you generally want to be envolved in LinuxTools's eclipse-build
   - Some architecture patches got axed in the 3.7 cycle because we were
     not around to refresh them.  Presumably the cause of #649912.
 * the eclipse build system is a resource hog.
   - Over 0.5 GB of B-D (beyond build-essential) and over 2.7 GB size
     used at the end of the build.
   - javadoc process known to eat over 1.7 GB RAM alone during build.
     - With less than 2 GB of RAM your build time will easily exceed an
   - (parts of the) build is parallel by default and I have no clue how
     to disable that.
 * the build system has been known to ignore errors and happily continue
   - In the old days this could cause pre-compiled binaries to end up in
     the final package, but I think we have solved all of those problems
     by now.
   - The error you see is often caused by something that happened
     - Unfortunately 2-3 screens worth of exceptions and stack-traces
       are "normal" in our current builds.  >.>
 * following Ubuntu bugs can easily kill your motivation.
   - The reporters tend to use the precompiled binaries from eclipse.org
     and report crash logs.
   - Follow-ups are usually "Just download it from eclipse.org and it
 * Eclipse "hard-codes" paths (and "versions") of Jars.
   - Even minor version updates to (e.g.) sat4j will cause issues.
   - Issues propagate to the user's ~/.eclipse and stays there.
 * Eclipse depends on multiple or old versions of the same library.
   - Defacto you will end up maintaining those.
   - Migrating eclipse to the new version can be difficult depending on
     the library and eclipse's assumptions about it.
 * Eclipse has a very good control on Copyright and License.
   - Almost everything is EPL (with some exceptions).
   - They have rigid copyright requirements.
     - d/copyright is currently auto-generated.
 * Eclipse has a strict release cycle.
   - Yearly major releases (I think it is in June or July)
     - They can be very difficult.
     - eclipse-build has been known to prepare earlier to weed out some
       of the bugs.
       - If time permits, you want to be around for that.
   - 2 minor releases.
     - Usually relatively simple to do.
 * Eclipse know-how is scares in Debian.
   - Only a handful of people has worked with eclipse in Debian for the
     past 3 years.
     - Even fewer with 6+ (active) months of experience.

However, there are oppertunities here:
 * Parts of upstreams have started projects to improve Linux distro
   - Unfortunately I have not been able to follow up on this, so
     currently we get what Fedora is ordering.
   - I can dig out (some of) the relevant bugs on request.
 * There is plenty of oppertunities to go further upstream and
   improve integration.
   - Java and ant are what you need and what you will learn.
 * You will most likely be working with people from Fedora/RedHat.
   - LinuxTools is filled with those.
   - Solutions to lots of problems can usually be found in the Fedora
     spec file (or one of their patches).
     - Just generalize it and get it into eclipse-build or further
       upstream and profit.  :)
 * When you have maintained eclipse for a year or so:
   - most other packages will be pale and trivial in comparison.
   - some people will assume you know everything there is to know
     about Java (Packaging).  :)
   - someone will tell you to join NM (or become a DM) if you aren't
     already. XD
   - Your milage may vary here, but generally your technical skills
     will very likely be DM/DD material after a year with eclipse.
 * I will be around to answer questions and guide you to the right
   people (did I mention LinuxTools's eclipse-build?).

I did not do it myself, but it might be a good idea to coordinate with
team members/co-maintainers to align your expectations.  It can be very
demotivational to be (or to feel that you are) the only one working on
the "coming major upstream release".


Useful links:

The "Inner Workings" is a "fairly" new document that describes some of
the things we had to learn the "hard-way" in 2009.  Sami Wagiaalla from
Fedora is to praise for starting this.

[1] http://people.debian.org/~nthykier/eclipse/

Both files, the tarball needs to replace the existing tarball in the
upstream part of the package.

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